The Landmark Legal Foundation has nominated Rush Limbaugh for the Nobel Peace Prize. Most of the press missed it, they were too busy fawning over Algore's Nobel nomination. We support Rush and want to find out where to go to vote for the Nobel Prize. In fact, we may just bus in some Katrina refugees from New Orleans, they are good at multiple voting so we can stuff the ballot box.
Why should Rush win the prize over Algore?
Rush has had the number one radio show in America for two decades. Algore made a stupid movie that few people outside of Hollywood ever saw.
Rush confronts the left with facts and logic. Algore screams and lies.
Rush supports democracy and peace through stregenth. Algore believes we should surrender to our enemies at all costs.
Rush supports a strong economy. Algore uses his global warming hoax to damage industry and promote socialism.
Over the past ten years Rush has been losing weight. Algore has really plumped out.
Rush has a shot at getting a date with Ann Coulter. Algore might get a date with Ann Richards.