Sunday, December 31, 2006

Assclown of the Day Cindy Sheehan

Before I go any further, let me make one thing perfectly clear. CASEY SHEEHAN WAS A HERO.

That said, his mother is a nut case being manipulated by the press and far left. Here is her mug shot, she was arrested December 28th in Crawford with four other freaks for blocking a road and refusing to move. We can only hope she gets the maximum six months.

When she gets out, Mike Nifong should have some free time, perhaps we could arrange a love connection. They both have too much time on thier hands and having other interests could lessen the damage both inevitably cause. Someone contact Chuck Wollery.

Mike Nifong Update

The North Carolina Bar Association has filed an ethics complaing against Mike Nifong

The North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys has called for him to step down from the case.

As usual in all things liberal, arrogance rules and Nifong like the Energizer Bunny keeps on going.

Friday, December 29, 2006


We bid a fond farewell to John Murtha's favorite dictator as he gets a new necktie. Three years too late, but we had to give him all the rights and privileges he has denied others all these years. Will Ramsey Clark throw himself on a sword to protest? We hope so. Will Howard Dean, Obama Osama, Harry Reid, and Uncle Teddy represent the United States Democratic Party at the funeral? Will Ma Sheehan ever find love again? What conspiracy will Keith Olberman find in the hanging?

After Saddam achieves room temperature, then things get really hot. Not in Iraq, but where Saddam is going. Will the great dictator look up his boys first or check out his old boyfriend? And how will he react when he finds out that his old boyfriend has a new boyfriend, Chris?

Thursday, December 28, 2006

An Apology to Dr. Phil and Barak Obama

In an earlier post I referred to Dr. Phil as Oprah's whore. I apologize for this, since Oprah has anointed Saddam Obama as King of America, Dr. Phil is known as Oprah's other whore.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Assclown of the Day Mike Nifong

Few represent the values of American liberals like Durham, NC District Attorney Michael Nifong. Struggling for reelection, he invents a rape case based on the imaginative story of stripper who sees a chance to make a quick buck. Around America, liberals flock to his cause, it doesn't matter that anyone with an ounce of gray matter can see the stripper is lying and they are not guilty, they are three "rich" white boys and the victim black, much the way it didn't matter that OJ may have been guilty, it is payback time. His campaign is boosted by bringing in national race pimps Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the rest of the usual suspects. Mr. Nifong is reelected.

Now the "victim", who makes Twana Brawley look like Mother Theresa, suddenly doesn't know if she was raped. She will never make it to the stand, the accused will not have a chance to face their accuser. Nifong has already ruined the lives of three men and the Duke lacrosse coach (the forgotten victim). What should happen now?

Nifong will never resign, he is the darling of the left and the national news media. The State of North Carolina and US Justice Dept. should immediately investigate the case and bring appropriate charges against Nifong and the accuser. Proceedings should also begin immediately to disbar Nifong. The dolts that elected him will never recall him or vote him out of office, this is the only way for justice.

Does Nifong have a future. He sure does. Run for Congress. There is a seat waiting for you next to Alcee Hastings.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bono Update

The man Bill Clinton calls the "Smartest Man on Earth" went to Washington to demand more money ($1 Billion) for African dictators and their corrupt governments. All he left with was a cup of Starbucks and an escort by the Grim Reaper.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Assclown of the Day Barak Saddam Hussain Obama

This dolt, the man who has been annointed King of America by career assclown, cult leader and megolomaniac Oprah, had his Ed Muskie moment in New Hampshire. Unfortunately the press has chosen to ignor it.

The man who Oprah had ordered the millions who blindly worship her to vote for President freaked out at lib news babe/old maid Maureen Dowd who had the nerve to comment on his big ears. Unless she ceases any critizism of Ossama Obama her career is over. Oprah will order her mind-numbed robot followers not to read her column and no doubt Oprah's whore Dr. Phil will have a show to analyze why Maureen is still single after all these years.

This man with the infantile intellegence showed that he also has an infantile maturity. He is not fit to be elected dog catcher and certainly not fit to be president, even though Oprah would be the man behind the curtain he is telling you not to pay attention to.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Assclowns of the Day Surrender Monkeys

The Iraq Surrender Group may be some of the biggest Assclowns of all time. James Baker has made a career of pretending to be a Republican, Lee Hamilton has made a career of making a fool of himself on useless government committees. Not to mention that Mr. Baker's law firm represents many arab interests that have a stake in the US losing the war on terror. Together with a group of other mental midgets they have produced a special gift for the likes of Shehann, Murtha, and McCain.

The Surrender Group's answer. Turn Iraq over to the insurgents, let Iraq have the bomb, let Syria have Lebanon, and let the Palestinians run wild over Israel. The most amazing thing is that anyone would take these America-haters serioiusly.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Imam Update II

Now they want port-a-masques at airports.

Let me get this straight. We can't have the Nativity movie advertized at a Christmas festival because it might offend muslims.

The Pope can't say don't be violent because it incites them to violence.

Why don't we just burn up the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bible and hand them the keys to the country. It's over.