Monday, March 19, 2007

Assclown of the Day Henry Waxaman

First, let me set this up. Imagine a small town in Colorado. All the libs think some fat kid is the reincarnation of FDR. So the dems in congress go on a pilgrimage to hear his wisdom. When Waxman's turn to talk to him comes up, Cartman, er, I mean the fat kid tells him, "YOU SUCK!" Congressman Waxman immediately runs and locks himself in the closet.
This idiot began his showtrial aginst the Bush Administration by bringing up as his first witness, undercover bimbo Valerie Plame, news whore and wife of dem political hack Joe Wilson. After hearing Ms. Plame's testimony, one can only wonder if Waxman's kangaroo court isn't out to prove the Dumb Blonde Theory.
Look out, John Travolta is going to try to get him out of the closet.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

They Eat Their Own

Kook organization PETA has sent a letter condemning kook enviromentalist/meat eater Algore.

In the letter, PETA points out the following:

The effect that our meat addiction is having on the climate is truly staggering. In fact, in its recent report “Livestock’s Long Shadow—Environmental Issues and Options,” the United Nations determined that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined.

Researchers at the University of Chicago have determined that switching to a vegan diet is more effective in countering global warming than switching from a standard American car to a Toyota Prius.

PETA also reminds Gore that his critics love to question whether he practices what he preaches and suggests that by going vegetarian, he could cut down on his contribution to global warming and silence his critics at the same time.

“The single best thing that any of us can do to for our health, for animals, and for the environment is to go vegetarian,” says PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk. “The best and easiest way for Mr. Gore to show his critics that he’s truly committed to fighting global warming is to kick his meat habit immediately.”

If he complies, this could possibly upset Tipper.

Source: Drudge

Assclowns of the Day-The Fitzgerald Eleven

Persecuting Attorney/Left Wing Political Hack Patrick Fitzgerald proved that he could find eleven idiots in the city limits of Washington, DC. Scooter Libby's life is ruined because the left hates Bush/Cheney/Rove. Hopefully he will be cleared on appeal, the idiots on the jury are already running their mouths before the cameras about how they did it to punish Bush/Cheney/Rove. Political sabateur Joe Wilson and his bimbo wife will be on every news show on the dial, whining about the President, Keith Olberman will have multiple O's, Chris Matthews will still need therapy, and Larry King will have special guests Leonardo DiCaprio and Fuzzy the Wonder Cat. Oh yeah, and John Edwards will still be a fagot.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Madman attacks Coulter

Howard Dean, in a performance worthy of his role model Adolph, has screamed for Republicans to denounce Ann Coulter over her calling John Edwards a faggot. I too will denounce Coulter for it--on the day that John Edwards stops acting like an effeminate little girlie. If Ms. Coulter wishes to discuss the matter more with me, I have a hot tub and bottle of champaigne waiting for her.

Friday, March 02, 2007

An Inconvenient Security Check

When we last left Algore, the man who wants us to live like the Flinstones while he jets around to one of his four homes, Leonardo DiCaprio was trying to get him backstage at the Oscars where he could concieve his baby. Yesterday found Algore caught breaking security rules at the Nashville airport by being getting to avoid the security checks that everyone except muslims have to to through. After all, as his teacher Bill taught him, laws and rules are for those people, Algore and his ilk are of the privilaged class.

We hope Algore stays in the spotlight. Everytime he makes an ass of himself, it does more to discredit the left, and Algore is quite competent at making an ass of himself. Just thank God that he wasn't making an ass of himself on the government's time during 9-11.