Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Breck Girl Afraid of Tall Leggy Blonde

Cowering in his palatial mansion, built on legal fees that we are paying for with higher insurance and medical costs, the Dems' most feminine candidate sent out his wife to go on TV and whine about Anne Coulter making fun of him. As the children on South Park would say, "That is so gay."

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Witch hunter Michael Nifong was disbarred today. In a world where members of the left usually escape justice, this is a great day for the rule of law. We shouldn't stop here, Patrick Fitzgerald, Ronnie Earle, and Judge Reggie Walton, you should be next.

Michael Nifong Update

In a shameless attempt to get sympathy from the panel investigating his ethics violation, witch hunter Michael Nifong resigned as Durham's district attorney. This pioneer of the new show trial era has served the left well, destroying the lives of Duke students and the forgotten victim, the coach. How many other lives has he destroyed? Every case that he has ever prosecuted needs to be thoroughly investigated. Has he lied and hid evidence in other cases?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Grim Reaper Vows to Defeat United States Military

Fresh off defeats on the amnesty bill and the Gonzalez witch trial, Senate Leader Harry Reid announced today that a strike to destroy Iran's nuclear program will destabalize Iran's vital nuclear program. Reid said he was pissed off because of, "that damn jew Lieberman" and vowed to stop anything short of a total defete of the United States military forces.

Assclown in Your Pocket

Bono, the world's smartest man, has been quite busy lately working on ways to take money from American workers and families. He has started One Vote, an organization to elect candidates who are willing to tax you to death to put money in the hands of 3rd World dictators and failed social projects (vote farms). He and a very effeminate Bob Geldorf also showed up at the G8 Summit at Heilgendamn to codemn world leaders for not filling up the coffers of African despots fast enough.
One thing is for certain. If Bono shows up, grab your wallet and hold on tight.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Assclown of the Day Sheriff "Barney" Lee Baca

We can't say for sure why Sheriff Lee Baca let Paris Hilton out of jail, but our imagination sure does run wild. We only hope that the people of L.A. vote this corrupt horndog out of office next time he is up. Don't be concerned about his future, we know of several rent-a-cop jobs he might be qualified for. Maybe.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Wesley Snipes to use William "Suitcase" Jefferson, D- Louisiana, Defense

Assclown Wesley Snipes, accused tax cheat and actor who hasn't had a decent showing at the box office lately, filed papers in court declaring that he will be using the same defense as accused kickback king Rep. William "Suitcase" Jefferson, D-Louisiana. It is all the fault of the racist George Bush, who caused Katrina, and 400 years of oppression.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

American Justice

Scooter Libby gets 30 months, Paris gets sent home to party. The sheriff and all parties involved need to be investigated. This is a joke.

Should we be suprised, in the country where it pays to be illegal, an illegal alien that is.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Impeach this Assclown

The above idiot is incompetent Federal judge Reggie B. Walton. In a show trial reminiscent of the Stalinist Era, he sentenced Scooter Libby to 30 months in prison for the high crime of being a member of the Bush administration. Not only should he be impeached when this congress is thrown out and a new one elected, he ought to have to share a cell with Patrick Fitzgerald, Michael Nifong, and Ronnie Earle, leaders of the new Stalinist Show Trial Movement.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

So Long, Ma Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan, Bush Derangement Syndrome victim and admirer of murderous thug dictators Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, has announced her retirement. America's media whore has found out that the left also eats their own, and is leaving the anti-American movement. Not that she hasn't done enough damage, her insane protests have emboldened terrorists and dictators and erased any good that her son Casey, a true American Hero, did. We will miss you Cindy... NOT!

Friday, June 01, 2007

TP Update

Andrew Speaker has become the darling of the news media. Why? Because this personal injury lawyer is playing his illness like he would a whiplash case before the jury and has turned it around where he is now the victim. The networks are falling all over themselves because he apologized. No doubt his profession is part of the reason why the networks love him, good socialists love taking money away from those who earn it and giving it to those who don't. But this is beyond anything they have done before, and lawyer Speaker has to be laughing under the mask.