Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Why is this man smiling?

Why is Tom Brokaw smiling? Because Meriwether County Sheriff's Deputy Richard Jewell is dead. Brokaw cost NBC $500,000 plus whatever their shysters charged them, when they settled with Jewell in a libel case. Brokaw without fact or cause blamed then security guard Jewell for the bombing at the 1996 Altanta Olympics. It was later proven a seriel bomber had planted the bomb, but in a move that would make Dan Rather proud, Brokaw refuses to believe it. After all Jewell was a dumb redneck from the south, not a rich urbane well dressed New Yorker like he.

Richard has his wings. For all the years of lying about him and thousands of other stories, you have a much warmer reception waiting for you Tom.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Assclown of the Day-American Al Qaida

American Al Qaida terrorist Adam Gadahan, best known for playing Al Borland on Tool Time, has called for peace loving muslims around the world to blow up American embassies. Gadahan, who has been indicted in the U.S. for treason, has a $1,000,000 reward on his head by the FBI and and additional $100 reward from Pizza Hut if their table cloth is returned.
Remember, it is all about Peace and Love. And blowing up infidels.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Assclown Update

Socialist weather babe Heidi Cullen was interviewed in the NY Times this week about the statement she made that journalists who didn't believe in the global warming hoax should be fired. She denied saying this, she says that what she said was that they should be denied certification and unable to be hired. What is the difference?

Looking at this picture of Ms. Cullen, no, I wouldn't.

Assclowns of the Day-Is that you Dad?

In Venezuela, insane socialist America-hating dictator Hugo Chavez praised insane socialist America-hating actor Sean Penn. The man who is Jeff Spicoli was in Venezuela to bash America and meet the crazy tin horn. Chavez called Penn by phone to praise him, but considering Chavez' bad English and Penn's worse English, it is doubtful that either one understood the other. Tomorrow they meet in person, no doubt to do DNA swabs.