Few represent the values of American liberals like Durham, NC District Attorney Michael Nifong. Struggling for reelection, he invents a rape case based on the imaginative story of stripper who sees a chance to make a quick buck. Around America, liberals flock to his cause, it doesn't matter that anyone with an ounce of gray matter can see the stripper is lying and they are not guilty, they are three "rich" white boys and the victim black, much the way it didn't matter that OJ may have been guilty, it is payback time. His campaign is boosted by bringing in national race pimps Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the rest of the usual suspects. Mr. Nifong is reelected.
Now the "victim", who makes Twana Brawley look like Mother Theresa, suddenly doesn't know if she was raped. She will never make it to the stand, the accused will not have a chance to face their accuser. Nifong has already ruined the lives of three men and the Duke lacrosse coach (the forgotten victim). What should happen now?
Nifong will never resign, he is the darling of the left and the national news media. The State of North Carolina and US Justice Dept. should immediately investigate the case and bring appropriate charges against Nifong and the accuser. Proceedings should also begin immediately to disbar Nifong. The dolts that elected him will never recall him or vote him out of office, this is the only way for justice.
Does Nifong have a future. He sure does. Run for Congress. There is a seat waiting for you next to Alcee Hastings.