Tuesday, January 30, 2007
They Shoot Shiavos Don't They?

Lurch Update

Right now he is in Davos, on the lamb from the illegal rally charges and calling the United State military pariahs. Some people never change.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Special Assclown Salute
I attempted to watch President Bush's State of the Union but turned it before he spoke because Charlie Gibson was pontificating like a freakin' Von Clausewitz, he being an expert in all forms of warfare.
To borrow from Patton, the following know about as much about real combat as they do fornicating:
Charlie Gibson
Matt Lauer
Brian Williams
George Stephanopolis
Harry Smith
Wolf Blitzer
Aaron Brown
Larry King
Alan Combs
Chris Matthew
Keith Olberman
Anderson Cooper
Bob Schieffer
Tim Russert
David Gregory
To borrow from Patton, the following know about as much about real combat as they do fornicating:
Charlie Gibson
Matt Lauer
Brian Williams
George Stephanopolis
Harry Smith
Wolf Blitzer
Aaron Brown
Larry King
Alan Combs
Chris Matthew
Keith Olberman
Anderson Cooper
Bob Schieffer
Tim Russert
David Gregory
Assclown of the Day Dr. Heidi Cullen-Weather Nazi

The esteemed Dr. Cullen, Weather Channel babe, makes it perfectly clear that she will not put up with dissent. Ms. Cullen hosts a show called Climate Code which pushes the Algore/Junk Science global warming hoax. In fact, Ms. Cullen has publicly declared that any meteorologist who does not support the global warming hoax should loose their AMS certification. Recently she had a guest on Climate Code who wants to have Nuremburg style trials of meteorolgists who refuse to accept the global warming hoax.
There was a place where her warped dreams could have happened that no longer exists--THE SOVIET UNION. Dr. Cullen should have stuck to doing weekend weather, traffic reports. and mall grand openings.
I suggest that Ms. Cullen read Michael Crichton's State of Fear. If she still persists in her Stalinist delusions, then maybe a long vacation in Siberia is in order.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Obama Update
Obama's trash talking about the Saints-Bears game coming up this Sunday shows again that he lacks the emotional maturity to be president. Without Oprah whispering in his ear what to say, the emperor has no clothes.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Ma Sheehan Update
Ma Sheehan recently bonded out of jail in Crawford where she was arrested with several other freaks for blocking a road. Earlier this week she went to Cuba to show her support for Islamic terrorism and protest the US base at Gitmo. She also probably visited her Uncle Fidel in the hospital, who knows. Rumors that Fidel got a little cannot be confirmed.
Did she violate her bond by leaving the U.S. Did she break the law by going to Cuba without permission? We suggest Dog the Bounty Hunter be called in. He can find her, and before he turns her over to the authorities, he can set her straight with Jesus, Lord knows she needs it.
Did she violate her bond by leaving the U.S. Did she break the law by going to Cuba without permission? We suggest Dog the Bounty Hunter be called in. He can find her, and before he turns her over to the authorities, he can set her straight with Jesus, Lord knows she needs it.
Assclown of the Day Nancy Pelosi

Why? Because Del Monte's corporate HQ is in speaker Pelosi's district. Del Monte employees 5,000 American Samoans at a Starkist plant in American Samoa. Ms. Pelosi ranted about how ethical her house would be. Congradulations, you have reached the same level of ethics as other dem leaders, Tip "Where's the Scotch" O' Neil, Jim "Book Royalty" Wright, Tom "Blueboy" Foley and Tom "Puffy" Daschelle, all well known for their lack of ethics and morals.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Assclown of the Day-Suzanne Somers

We know now that when she was Chrissy on Three's Company, she wasn't acting.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Assclown of the Day-Imam Keith Ellison

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