Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Assclown of the Day Dr. Heidi Cullen-Weather Nazi

The esteemed Dr. Cullen, Weather Channel babe, makes it perfectly clear that she will not put up with dissent. Ms. Cullen hosts a show called Climate Code which pushes the Algore/Junk Science global warming hoax. In fact, Ms. Cullen has publicly declared that any meteorologist who does not support the global warming hoax should loose their AMS certification. Recently she had a guest on Climate Code who wants to have Nuremburg style trials of meteorolgists who refuse to accept the global warming hoax.

There was a place where her warped dreams could have happened that no longer exists--THE SOVIET UNION. Dr. Cullen should have stuck to doing weekend weather, traffic reports. and mall grand openings.

I suggest that Ms. Cullen read Michael Crichton's State of Fear. If she still persists in her Stalinist delusions, then maybe a long vacation in Siberia is in order.

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