This weekend, everyone in the media, entertainment world, and environmentalist wacko movement celebrated Earth Day by drooling over one of their patron saints, Rachel Carson. Rachel Carson wrote a book on the environment, Silent Spring, that turned out to be mostly ficton. Because of this book, DDT was banned, and conservative estimates are that 25-30 million Africans have died of malaria.
Ms. Carson has killed more people than Hitler.Today we are faced with the new savior of the environmental movement, Al Gore, and his fictional movie. The wacko left expects us to change our lives and economies on the proven false word of a hypocrite who from the 80s to 2000 was the Village of Washington DC's idiot. How many people will die in the future because of the lies in Al Gore's movie? His body count will probably beat Ms. Carson's.
More Africans have died because of this book's short life span than as a result of the slave trade which lasted for centuries.
Right you are, and perhaps Algore and Cheryl Crowe need to pay reparations.
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