The biggest megalomaniac since Mussolini (except she doesn't have the brains to make the trains run on time) showed her true racist colors at Howard University. She reminded us that there are "
a few good white people." This woman, who insists that every woman follow her blindly, should receive the same punishment as Imus for that statement. However, Oprah is above criticism. No one has ever gotten the free passes that this idiot with the messiah complex has. In the quest to control the minds of every woman in America, with the help of her bald headed ho shrink, she will stop at nothing including ordering her minions to vote for her anointed one in the presidential race.
When you think of the families this woman has broken up, the pain and suffering she has caused, it has to be approaching critical mass and eventually her free ride will be over. Women will think for themselves and read what they want to. People will see her bald headed ho for the quack he is. And America will realize her as just another racist like Jackson,
Sharpton, Byrd, or Duke