Thursday, May 31, 2007

TB Andy

The 21st Century's Typhoid Mary turns out to be a personal injury lawyer. Having once been the victim of one of these leeches and his lying client, we couldn't wish it on a better person. We only hope that everyone exposed to this Assclownius Maximus sues the hell out of him.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Assclown of the Day-Sen. Carole Migden D-San Francisco

California state senator Carole Migden, D-San Francisco, is a good liberal who believes that government needs to control every action of the common people. Senator Migden, D-San Francisco, voted to restrict the rights of Californians by banning the use of cell phones in vehicles. Of course, being one of the elite, she believes laws don't apply to her. Senator Migden, D-San Francisco, while driving her global warming causing SUV, rear ended someone while talking on her cell phone. We hope the victim gets a very good personal injury lawyer.

Assclown of the Day-Jimmy the Looser Carter

The man known to history as the worst president ever went off the deep end in a fit of Bush Derangement Syndrome in his new book. Crying that Bush, not he, was the worse president ever, he went on to decry Bush for using those who weren't very smart (that is what they call our heroes in the military) to kill Arabs that potentially could have killed Jews. Carter finds President Bush's faith in God "very disturbing". He questions the value and rightness of Reagan winning the cold war. He also attacked Bush for not selling out Israel and called Tony Blair several names.
Considering his track record, the old fart needs to keep his mouth shut and go build a house.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Assclown of the Millenium The Goddess

The biggest megalomaniac since Mussolini (except she doesn't have the brains to make the trains run on time) showed her true racist colors at Howard University. She reminded us that there are "a few good white people." This woman, who insists that every woman follow her blindly, should receive the same punishment as Imus for that statement. However, Oprah is above criticism. No one has ever gotten the free passes that this idiot with the messiah complex has. In the quest to control the minds of every woman in America, with the help of her bald headed ho shrink, she will stop at nothing including ordering her minions to vote for her anointed one in the presidential race.

When you think of the families this woman has broken up, the pain and suffering she has caused, it has to be approaching critical mass and eventually her free ride will be over. Women will think for themselves and read what they want to. People will see her bald headed ho for the quack he is. And America will realize her as just another racist like Jackson, Sharpton, Byrd, or Duke

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Vandalism Part Deux

While the left was celebrating the vandalism of the Rush Limbaugh billboard in Baltimore, one of their heroes' pictures was vandalized. The official picture of Chairman Mao in Beijing, role model for many democratic politicians, had a soot like substance thrown at it. The last guy who vandalized this portrait, journalist Yu Dongyue, spent seventeen years being tortured and came out of the prison camp little more than a vegetable. No word on the person who damaged it this time, but the same is waiting for him.
No doubt the same left that praised the vandalism of the Limbaugh will praise the punishment of the Mao vandalizer. There is a big difference. Mao was a thug who killed millions. Rush is a political commentator who wouldn't harm a thing. The left in America revere Mao, hate Rush. If a picture of Stalin is ever vandalized, GIs may have to be kicked out of their beds in Walter Reed to make room for members of the House and Senate who no doubt will be in shock. "Nurse, please take this enema to Representative Frank."

Commie News Network at it again.

Once again, the most anti-American of the news networks shows it's bias. Wolf, Anderson, and Larry, wake up, it is only a dream. Besides, if it were true, Dick Cheney would be president, and that would be CNNs worse nightmare. So Wolf, keep sticking those pins in your Dubbya doll, Anderson, go back to redecorating and singing show tunes, and Larry...wake up Larry!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Sexist Racists Reason for Couric Failure

CBS Evening News producer Linda Mason has discovered the reason why Katie Couric has failed in the anchor spot. We prefer "older white males".
Hey Linda, how about she has been such a failure because she and those writing and reporting the news are idiots?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Assclown of the Day-Robert Murrow

You probably never heard of Robert Murrow, but he is the face of the left's respect for the first amendment and tolerance. He is also a spokesman for the Baltimore Deptartment of Public Works, paid a salary by the taxpayers. This Rush Limbaugh ad was vandalized. Mr. Murrow gave his offical pronouncement, "It looks like they took globs of paint and threw it on his face. It looks great. It did my heart good."

Once again proving the tolerant left is the party of censorship and hate. Comrad Murrow should be fired, but in Baltimore will probably get promoted.