While the left was celebrating the vandalism of the Rush Limbaugh billboard in Baltimore, one of their heroes' pictures was vandalized. The official picture of Chairman Mao in Beijing, role model for many democratic politicians, had a soot like substance thrown at it. The last guy who vandalized this portrait, journalist Yu Dongyue, spent seventeen years being tortured and came out of the prison camp little more than a vegetable. No word on the person who damaged it this time, but the same is waiting for him.
No doubt the same left that praised the vandalism of the Limbaugh will praise the punishment of the Mao vandalizer. There is a big difference. Mao was a thug who killed millions. Rush is a political commentator who wouldn't harm a thing. The left in America revere Mao, hate Rush. If a picture of Stalin is ever vandalized, GIs may have to be kicked out of their beds in Walter Reed to make room for members of the House and Senate who no doubt will be in shock. "Nurse, please take this enema to Representative Frank."
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