Sunday, September 09, 2007

Goddess Declares-Hillary Loses Millions of Women's Votes

Hillary lost millions of women's votes in one shot, as the woman that most women worship as their godess ordered her followers to vote for Obama. This is the first time the megalomaniacal Ms. Winfrey has ordered her mind-numbed followers how to vote, in the past she has ordered them on what to read, what music to listen to, what to eat, what to wear, and other day-to-day behavior.

Obama has denied that he has cozied up with Ms. Winfrey only so she will buy him an SUV, a tactic she has used in the past to make people like her. It is rumored that another one of Ms. Winfrey's whores, Dr. Phil, is extremely jealous of Obama's relationship with his pimp and calls him "That big eared bitch" behind his back.

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